Wide Specialist Spectrum
SMI Berlin is characterized by a wide range of various disciplines. So if necessary, different perspectives can be incorporated in the social-medical appraisal at one and the same place. Many patients find that a relief. In addition, this shortens the completion of the final social-medical report.
Forms of Appraisals
Type and Form: As Diverse as the Issues to be Clarified
Types and forms of our reports generally depend on the purpose of a certain appraisal and the specific question that should be answered by the respective socio-medical statement. In many cases, we use forms designed by our client organizations. In such cases, the assessments are often based on a pre-formulated questionnaire. This applies among others to:
- Work or disability reports
- Accident insurance appraisals
- Rehabilitation reports
In other situations, for example if the issue is whether and to what extent a mental disease might affect a Patient’s working and earning capacity, some of our clients prefer a report in free form. Even in such cases our final socio-medical appraisals are always based on in-depth interviews conducted by our experienced psychiatrists, psychologists or neurologists.
Furthermore, our wide service offering comprises also appraisals based on home visits, according to the file as well as reports that combine previous findings in form of a summary appraisal.
Whatever question you ask, no matter of number nor form of appraisals you need, our experienced clerks ensure always reliable and efficient processes. Thanks to our elaborate organisational structure and the use of innovative IT-applications, we are able to keep the time between the ordering and the final appraisals’ delivery very short – what is equally in the interest of our patients as it is beneficially for our clients.
What is the Purpose of Social-Medical Reports?
Aims and Occasions of a Social-Medical Appraisal
A social medical appraisal becomes often necessary in order to enable a social security to make an informed and well-founded decision about a claim for benefits. This applies, for example, to work, employment or disability claims as well as to applications for benefits to private or statutory pension schemes. In such cases, we are mostly commissioned by the insurance company responsible for you. So you, as an applicant, do not incur any costs.
If you need a privately commissioned social-medical report according to § 109 of the German Social Court Act (Sozialgerichtsgesetz, SGG) for submission to a court, please feel free to contact us directly. At the request of a plaintiff we prepare, for example, expert reports in accordance with the SGG in cases of disputes for severe disability or reduced earning capacity. We would also be glad to assist you if you want to submit an expert report to a family court, for example, to clarify the capability in regard of maintenance claims.
In addition, an insurance-medical appraisal can be useful if you are seeking advice in a legal dispute, for example due to suspected medical treatment errors. In general, we clear the preparation of privately commissioned medical reports according to the current version of the fee schedule for doctors (Gebührenordnung für Ärzte, GOÄ).
Procedure of Examinations
What Does the Process of an Appraisal Look Like?
Before the actual appraisal starts, you will first have the opportunity to get familiar with the privacy policy of our company. In strict compliance with all legal provisions, we spare no effort to protect your privacy and your right to informational self-determination before, during and after every appraisal. For this reason, please observe yourself the requirement of discretion when signing up. Keep your distance and do not come directly to the reception desk as long as another patient is still looked after there. For privacy reasons, we do not call you up with your name, but instead we issue waiting numbers.
In addition, you will receive a questionnaire upon registration, which will help your appraiser prepare for the examination conversation. Please answer the questions while waiting for your number to be called. Alternatively, we provide a download option here. So you can in advance calmly fill out the questionnaire at home.
Once it’s your turn, your number will be called and your appraiser will escort you to the examination room. Please be aware that the appraisal may include a physical examination. It can be necessary that the doctor will ask you to undress yourself to a certain extent. If you have any questions in regard of the upcoming appraisal, please feel free to ask our local staff. All of us would be glad to help you.
We generally conduct appraisals in German language. If you don’t feel confident enough to speak or understand German, it might be helpful to choose a person of your trust that can accompany you as a translator. You are welcome to bring your own companion. However, it is always up to the examining doctor to decide whether the presence of a third person may possible during the examination or not. In some cases – for example, when the appraisal was commissioned by a pension insurance – the presence of escorts is generally excluded under applicable law.
General Information
All social-medical reports prepared by us are in principle the property of the respective customer institution. For privacy reasons, the report will only be archived there. Whether and under which conditions you, the person concerned, might be granted access to the report, will be solely decided by the institution that commissioned the report. If you have any question about this, please contact your insurance company or your responsible court directly, stating your insurance number or the file number and the date of the examination.
We always prepare your report after a conscientious specialist examination, being ourselves strictly neutral and independent of any interest of a third party. We carefully match the treatment documents you have provided with our self-collected findings. If necessary, we arrange a supplementary diagnosis by a cooperating partner in radiology or laboratory medicine.
About Us
About Us
Since 2008, our company has continuously grown. Today, about 45 experienced doctors of different disciplines look after the patients supported by ten clerks who are always available to assist you.
Chief doctor: Dipl.-Med. Hans-Werner Pfeifer